Logo of Tallinn University

Tallinna Ülikool

Eesti, Tallinn    See a map
Narva mnt 25, 10120 Tallinn Estonia

Tallinn University was established by a decision of the parliament of Estonia on March 18, 2005 when a number of Tallinn educational and research institutions were consolidated into a single institution. Now Tallinn University is the largest university of humanities and social sciences in Tallinn and the third biggest public university in Estonia. Tallinn University is an advocate and planner of intelligent lifestyle in Estonia, supporting the sustainability of our society as well as individual self-realisation. As a result, the university has directed its resources and activities into five focus fields:

  • educational innovation,
  • cultural competences,
  • digital and media culture,
  • healthy and sustainable lifestyle,
  • society and open governance.

At our university, longest traditions of teacher training in Estonia and the only film and media school in the Baltic countries exist side by side. We value innovation and interdisciplinarity in order to offer internationally competitive education based on research excellence. We believe in individual approach to students, which also involves a major focus on thesis supervision and the feedback process at all study levels.

We have approximately 900 international students in degree and exchange studies from more than 60 countries. Every 10th academic person is of foreign background. Active international cooperation, well-known guest lecturers and our unique bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programmes in English help to create the multicultural university community.

We have close academic collaboration with various international institutions abroad, and bilateral cooperation agreements with 55 partner universities in 30 countries worldwide.

Tallinn University was established by a decision of the parliament of Estonia on March 18, 2005 when a number of Tallinn educational and research institutions were consolidated into a single institution. Now Tallinn University is the largest university of humanities and social sciences in Tallinn and the third biggest public university in Estonia. Tallinn University is an advocate and planner of intelligent lifestyle in Estonia, supporting the sustainability of our society as well as individual self-realisation. As a result, the university has directed its resources and activities into five focus fields:

  • educational innovation,
  • cultural competences,
  • digital and media culture,
  • healthy and sustainable lifestyle,
  • society and open governance.

At our university, longest traditions of teacher training in Estonia and the only film and media school in the Baltic countries exist side by side. We value innovation and interdisciplinarity in order to offer internationally competitive education based on research excellence. We believe in individual approach to students, which also involves a major focus on thesis supervision and the feedback process at all study levels.

We have approximately 900 international students in degree and exchange studies from more than 60 countries. Every 10th academic person is of foreign background. Active international cooperation, well-known guest lecturers and our unique bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programmes in English help to create the multicultural university community.

We have close academic collaboration with various international institutions abroad, and bilateral cooperation agreements with 55 partner universities in 30 countries worldwide.

Search and apply!


BA144339 - Poliitika ja valitsemine
Undergraduate, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Governance, Law and Society
BA108965 - Interdistsiplinaarsed humanitaarteadused - Artes Liberales
Undergraduate, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Humanities
BA112737 - Õigusteadus
Undergraduate, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Governance, Law and Society
BA108966 - Interdistsiplinaarsed sotsiaalteadused - Artes Liberales
Undergraduate, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Governance, Law and Society
BA80575 - Audiovisuaalne meedia
Undergraduate, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, Baltic Film, Media and Arts School
BA112758 - Ristmeedia
Undergraduate, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, Baltic Film, Media and Arts School


MAArtificial Intelligence for Sustainable Societies
Postgraduate, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Digital Technologies
MA81927 - Rahvusvahelised suhted
Postgraduate, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Governance, Law and Society
MA107824 - Kommunikatsioonijuhtimine
Postgraduate, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, Baltic Film, Media and Arts School
MSc80405 - Inimese ja arvuti interaktsioon
Postgraduate, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Digital Technologies
MSc137657 - Digitaalsed õpimängud
Postgraduate, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Digital Technologies
MA194203 - Haridusinnovatsiooni juhtimine
Postgraduate, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Educational Sciences
MA194202 - Sotsiaalne ettevõtlus
Postgraduate, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Governance, Law and Society

Show all


PhDStudies of Cultures (Doctoral Student position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Humanities
PhDGovernment and Politics (Junior Research Fellow)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Governance, Law and Society
PhDEducational Sciences (Junior Research Fellow position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Educational Sciences
PhDStudies of Cultures (Junior Research Fellow position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Humanities
PhDInformation Society Technologies (Doctoral Student position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Digital Technologies
PhDAudiovisual Arts and Media Studies (Junior Research Fellow position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, Baltic Film, Media and Arts School
PhDComplex Systems in Natural Sciences (Junior Research Fellow position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Natural Sciences and Health

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School of Humanities

PhDStudies of Cultures (Doctoral Student position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Humanities
PhDStudies of Cultures (Junior Research Fellow position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Humanities
PhDHistory (Junior Research Fellow position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Humanities
PhDLinguistics (Doctoral Student position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Humanities
PhDLinguistics (Junior Research Fellow position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Humanities
PhDHistory (Doctoral Student position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Humanities

Show all

School of Governance, Law and Society

PhDGovernment and Politics (Junior Research Fellow)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Governance, Law and Society
PhDGovernment and Politics (Doctoral Student position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Governance, Law and Society
PhDSocial Work (Doctoral Student position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Governance, Law and Society
PhDSociology (Junior Research Fellow position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Governance, Law and Society
PhDDemography (Junior Research Fellow position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Governance, Law and Society
PhDSociology (Doctoral Student position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Governance, Law and Society
PhDDemography (Doctoral Student position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Governance, Law and Society

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School of Educational Sciences

PhDEducational Sciences (Junior Research Fellow position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Educational Sciences
PhDEducational Sciences (Doctoral Student position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Educational Sciences
MA194203 - Haridusinnovatsiooni juhtimine
Postgraduate, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Educational Sciences

School of Digital Technologies

PhDInformation Society Technologies (Doctoral Student position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Digital Technologies
PhDInformation Society Technologies (Junior Research Fellow position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Digital Technologies
PhDInformation Society Technologies: "Computational Interaction" (Junior Research Fellow position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Digital Technologies
MAArtificial Intelligence for Sustainable Societies
Postgraduate, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Digital Technologies

Show all

Baltic Film, Media and Arts School

PhDAudiovisual Arts and Media Studies (Junior Research Fellow position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, Baltic Film, Media and Arts School
PhDAudiovisual Arts and Media Studies (Doctoral Student position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, Baltic Film, Media and Arts School
MA107824 - Kommunikatsioonijuhtimine
Postgraduate, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, Baltic Film, Media and Arts School
MA112777 - Dokumentaalfilm
Postgraduate, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, Baltic Film, Media and Arts School
BA80575 - Audiovisuaalne meedia
Undergraduate, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, Baltic Film, Media and Arts School
BA112758 - Ristmeedia
Undergraduate, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, Baltic Film, Media and Arts School

School of Natural Sciences and Health

PhDComplex Systems in Natural Sciences (Junior Research Fellow position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Natural Sciences and Health
PhDHealth Behaviour and Wellbeing (Doctoral Student position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Natural Sciences and Health
PhDHealth Behaviour and Wellbeing (Junior Research Fellow position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Natural Sciences and Health
PhDPsychology (Junior Research Fellow position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Natural Sciences and Health
PhDComplex Systems in Natural Sciences (Doctoral Student position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Natural Sciences and Health
PhDPsychology (Doctoral Student position)
Doctoral, full-time
Tallinna Ülikool, School of Natural Sciences and Health

