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MScPlanning and Analysis in Multifunctional Forestry

Tuition fee €3,800 per year
Application fee €100 one-time

The application fee is 100 EUR per applicant, which enables to apply for 2 programme (NB! in the case of PhD level only for 1 programme). The application fee is non-refundable!
Your application will only be reviewed and receive feedback after the university has received the application fee.

Applicants who have completed previous study level in Estonia or have Estonian citizenship are exempted from the application fee.

Please see more information www.emu.ee/en/application-fee/

More information



The aim of the MSc programme “Planning and Analysis in Multifunctional Forestry” is to prepare leading specialists for planning and analysis in multifunctional forestry, who can take responsibility and make sustainable strategic decisions.

After completing the curriculum, the graduates will be expected to:

  • have systematic and comprehensive knowledge of planning and analysis in multifunctional forestry, be familiar with the concepts and development trends, know the legal, social and economic framework of the speciality;
  • can steer strategic decisions in planning and analysis in multifunctional forestry in accordance with the principles of sustainable development;
  • be able to use information systems and software development technologies, the methods of statistical data analysis, mathematical modelling, environmental assessment and remote sensing;
  • have the skills for expressing professional ideas, be able to discuss speciality-related topics in speech and in writing, be able to argue and participate in discussions and mediate professional information;
  • be able to perform independent research, to synthesise and express the results of the research in writing and defend them in public speaking; be familiar with the principles of research ethics;
  • have professional multidisciplinary and multicultural communication and teamwork skills, be ready to take responsibility for working as a midlevel manager of planning and analysis in multifunctional forestry in the state or local administrative institutions and in non-governmental and international organisations or in private sector, 3/8 and be ready to continue studies in the doctoral level;
  • be able to assess personal professional development and the need for continuing education and further training.

Programme structure

The composition of the curriculum:

  • peciality module 79 ECTS
  • speciality elective subjects modules 6 ECTS
  • optional subjects 5 ECTS
  • Master’s thesis 30 ECTS
Apply now! Fall semester 2025/26
Application deadline
10 Apr 2025, 23:59:59
Eastern European Time
Studies commence
1 Sept 2025
Apply now! Fall semester 2025/26
Application deadline
10 Apr 2025, 23:59:59
Eastern European Time
Studies commence
1 Sept 2025